Friday, July 10, 2009

Day One Updates

Jessie is Head of Household.

Chima and Lydia are nominated for eviction.

Both girls are working it already. It seems like the house is split up like...

Natalie, Chima, Laura, Russell, Jessie, Michele, Ronnie
Braden, Jordan, Jeff, Lydia, Casey, Kevin

Right now it seems as though Chima has the votes to stay, but the Power of Veto is today and we all know that things change every moment in the Big Brother house. I'll keep you posted!

Monday, July 6, 2009

First Impressions

Here are my somewhat quick thoughts on the cast after watching interviews, reading profiles and all of that good stuff. I'll briefly go through each person and state what I expect from them this season.

He's definitely a little odd. I'm not sure what it is, but he seems socially inept. I definitely can see him rubbing some of the girls the wrong way. In fact, I bet he's one of the first few people bitch about in there, and I could see him having an early exit. If he can be laid back and not creepy, he could go a little further but his personality is a bit too off-putting to guarantee a long stay in the house. He should be interesting to watch though.

He's already my least favorite houseguest this season. He is the older guy who's going to work extra hard to fit in with the younger houseguests. To top it off, he talks, acts and even raps like Mike Boogie of Big Brother 2 and All-Stars. He's been annoying and obnoxious in the interviews I've seen. I am definitely not a fan, but I have been proven wrong before. As the oldest person in the house, he's going to have to work hard to fit in well and last long in the game. Fortunately, I don't see it happening for him.

My preseason favorite is Chima. She's spunky, fun, snarky and she's got a good head on her shoulders. She's already reminding me of my favorite Big Brother winner, Jun Song. I think her strategy to lay low early an not overdo her big personality will work for her. Hopefully she can be an observer early on and become a bigger force in the house as the weeks go on. I think she seems extremely likable and I hope the houseguests and America like her as much as I do. Of course, she could turn out to be a huge bitch, but so far I really like Chima, and I can see her doing quite well depending on how she plays it.

He seems like a nice guy from what I've seen so far. He's got the thick Chicago accent, and remins me a little of Mike Dutz, but hopefully he'll be a bit more interesting. I think people are going to like him, and if they aren't careful he could be in the game for a long time. He's a potential winner, but I think if the houseguests are as game savvy as they seem, they'll know that he has to go before the end of the game. I think it's going to depend who he has relationships with in the house, but I couldn't see him as an early boot.

She's the sweet, innocent, naive Southern belle. Her accent and personality remind me quite a lot of American Idol's Kellie Pickler. She's going to be fun, for sure. She's got a magnetic personality and she just comes off as someone without a mean bone in their body. As a small town girl, she may be a bit out of her element in there. I'm worried that some powerful players could manipulate her quite a bit, and she's the type of player who would greatly appreciate being a part of some alliance, regardless of whether or not they have any power themselves. I hope she can stick to her guns and look out for herself, but I worry that she'll become a pawn in someone elses game. I do believe she'll last a while though.

I think Kevin will be entertaining, while he lasts. I don't really know how long he'll be there. I easily could see him as one of the first two or three out, but on the other hand, I could see him making the final five or so. He comes off as a big personality, but in his interviews it seemed sort of forced and fake. He will definitely be one of the more animated ones in the Diary Room, but I don't think I'll really like him unless he becomes more of a person and less of a character in the house. We'll see with Kevin, he's one of the few mysteries to me so far. I do think he'll be down for a bitch fight though.

I don't really like her yet, but I have to give Laura props for coming in and being ready to play the game. If she's even half the player she claims she is going to be, she'll be a ton of fun to watch. I'm still going to reserve my judgement with her, as I think it will be interesting to watch a female power player. It's certainly been a while since we've had someone as great as Danielle from Big Brother 3 or Jun from Big Brother 4. If she doesn't become the house bitch and get outcasted by the girls early on, she could go pretty far. I do not see her winning it, but I can see her giving a good fight, which is always appreciated as opposed to giving up.

She's an interesting one. She looks like a tough girl with her tattoos, but she's been one of the nicest and most genuine people in her interviews. She's really a gentle spirit, which worries me a little. I hope she's ready to play because some of those people are ready to chew her up and spit her out. I think people will really like her both in an outside the house. She's got a laid-back and nurturing personality which works well for most people. If she keeps her cool, I see her making it very far in this game. Who knows? She could win it all.

I'm not totally sure what to think of Michele. I like her, but I'm worried that, like Lydia, she may not be as game-ready as some of the others. She clearly knows the game and is very bright, but she comes off as very timid. I hope she can socialize enough to form bonds and not become an early target because of her perceived intelligence. She's either going to be evicted very early or make it very far, it really depends on how her social skills measure up to that of the others and whether she becomes a favorite or an outcast in there.

She's also a bit of a question mark to me. There's no question that she's a nice girl and a fierce competitor, but I'm not totally sure how she'll be able to socially mesh with this group. I think she'll probably be the girl who hangs out with the guys, but you can never be to sure. Nevertheless, she seems very sweet and likable. I think if she makes it past the first few weeks without being singled out as a social outcast or a physical threat, she could go very far in this game, and is someone else who has the potential to win it if she commits to playing the game.

Like Michele, I believe he may have trouble socially fitting in. He could be a bit of a loner, but he also could become a character that everyone instantly likes to be around. Both are not great things in this game. Despite having promise as a huge Big Brother fan, I do believe he'll be exiting the game fairly early. He may make the jury, but I do not see him getting near the endgame. People will be aware that he is a smart guy and he loves the show, that's exactly why he was cast. If the other houseguests are smart, they'll be sure to get rid of him early. I do find him a bit bland, so I won't be sorry to see him go.

Like a few of the others, there's not a whole lot of middle ground with Russell. If he doesn't hide his big personality, he could be gone quickly. If he manages to blend in with the others well, he could be a bit like Memphis, and skate to the end with the help of others. I don't think he'll be able to win it, but I think he has the potential to be a good player and to surprise some people. I didn't think I'd like him, but he seems alright. I think he is very self-aware which is good in this game and he'll be able to assess where he fits into the house very well. I think we'll most likely see him on the jury.

That's it. Those are my first impressions. Who do I see leaving early? Braden, Casey, Laura, Michele and Ronnie. Who do I see as a potential winner? Chima, Jeff, Lydia or Natalie. The rest will likely fall somewhere in the middle of the pack. But this is Big Brother, we all know it's going to be an unpredictable and crazy summer!

Please share your thoughts as well! More coming your way later this week. We've only got a few days to go until all hell breaks lose and Big Brother 11 officially kicks off! :)

Action from the House!

First of all, I'm sorry for not updating much over the holiday weekend. I've got some news from the house coming up, and then my first impressions later, since all of the interviews are finally posted at Here we go:

Thanks to CornerOffice at, we have some news about what's been going on in the house since they moved in yesterday. First he revealed the cliques and part of what the role of the mystery houseguest will be...

The HG entered the house at 6:30.* Those of you who follow the feeds
know that Big Brother hardly ever runs on time.

The first in the house were Russell, Ronnie, Laura, and Kevin

The Cliques:

Braden, Jordan, Laura

Russell, Jeff, Natalie

Ronnie, Chima, Michele

Lydia, Kevin, Casey

The first HOH will be a former HG. Each clique is assigned one. The HG don’t know who they’re getting. Who are they? One of them had a showmance. Another was almost an All Star.

Those cliques are pretty much as expected, Chima is the only one that seems a bit random, but I think she could really fit into any category.

Later CornerOffice came back to give us some more news of the happenings of the first night, as well as gives us clues to which past Big Brother houseguest will be returning to the Big Brother house and has been declared the first Head of Household:

As with every first night of Big Brother it was a love fest. Ronnie couldn’t hide his excitement.

During the “Getting to know you” in the living room, Laura and Braden sat in the “you got screwed chairs”.

Casey comes off as another Boogie, fedora and all.

Jeff wore the Chicago city flag on his shirt. He definitely has an accent

Michele downplayed her personal info.

Jordan is the new Jessica and everyone will love her.

Watch out for Russell. He’s very chill and smart.

Lydia and Laura were the first to talk game. It was very brief and they said it’s hard to team up when they don’t know what cliques they’ll be in. Then Jeff and Russell joined them up stairs to play chess.

When Casey was called into the DR the rest of the HG made fun of him a little. Braden rapped as well as a white surfer from the OC can.

BB decided to divided the HG into their cliques after all. They found out when they entered the Back Yard for the HOH Comp

The first comp was endurance.

The Athletes seemed to have the best grip on the game over all. Not just the physical aspect but also the mental. They’re there to play.

At 11:30 the house had an HOH. You first met him in BB10 and he is sure to add a lot of drama to not only the house but to his clique as well.

Exciting stuff, folks. Hopefully CornerOffice will have more for us soon! The mystery houseguest sure should be interesting. Rumors around the internet are saying that it's either
Brian or Jessie from Big Brother 10. Personally, I'm hoping for Brian, buy I'll prepare for the worst, just in case. Please comment and share your thoughts.

My first impressions are next! Stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My take on the twist

I'm going to reserve my first impressions post until we get to see the extended interviews sometime tomorrow. For now, I'll just share my thoughts on the twist and some of the things Allison Grodner mentioned in her interview with

First of all, I was not keen on the twist and the idea of cliques. It just seems like a sorry excuse to typecast. However, we have not yet been informed whether they will pre-decide the cliques based on personality or if they houseguests will be responsible for deciding. If the producers do it, I'd expect to see the following cliques...

Populars- Jordan, Laura, Chima
Jocks- Jeff, Natalie, Braden
Nerds- Ronnie, Michele, Kevin
Offbeats- Lydia, Casey, Russell

Anywho, although I didn't like the twist, Allison confirmed that Head of Household and Power of Veto Competitions will still be completely individual, though if a member of your clique wins Head of Household, you'll be safe from being nominate. However, you can vote a member of your clique out, you are just forbidden from nominanting them.

Additionally, they will be competing for their beds, food and hot water. The losing team will have to sleep in the metal room with no beds and bright lights that don't shut off, shower with cold water and eat slop plus a random item chosen by America. Nice job, Grodner. I like. It's time for them to suffer a little bit. If the right people suffer, it will definitely create some drama. And we like that.

And we've got this whole mystery houseguest thing going on. Rumors have been floating around that they'll be "recycling" a houseguest. Who? Rumors have been circulating that it could be a number of people. Perhaps they'll be competing for a spot, or the houseguests or America will decide. Rumors are that
Brian, Sheila, and Jessica are eligible. Who knows, it could be just about anyone.

Stay tuned for first impressisons of the new hamsters tomorrow. And don't forget to comment and vote in the poll!

Videos Galore

Want to get to know the houseguests better?

Want to hear more about the twist?

Want to read up on the cast or see Chenbot tour the house?

My summary and take on the twist and the new houseguests will be posted later tonight. Several sources are promising interviews with the houseguests, so I will keep you posted on those as well. Stay tuned! And don't forget to comment.

We Have Our Houseguests

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Waiting Game

The cast reveal WILL be tomorrow, but as always all of us internet folk are just waiting for one media outlet to break the rules and release the cast early. It's happened the past few seasons and we're all hoping it happens again. Regardless, the official reveal will occur tomorrow, most likely on The Early Show. CBS2 and InsideDish will have interviews posted, along with other possible sources. will have an interview with Allison Grodner to share as well. So rest assured, tomorrow will be a HUGE day.

In the meantime, here's two possible houseguests that have rumors about them being on the show all over the internet. It could be false, it could be legit. You decide.

Patrick White, 28 - Chicago, IL

Jason Eric Vanling, 40
Cookesville, TN

Jason Eric Vanling aka Jev, 40 - Cookesville, TN


Monday, June 29, 2009

Media Day Coverage

Monday is finally here and that means that various sources across the internet are now able to show us what the Big Brother house will look like this year! Several press sources released their takes on the experience, along with edited footage of their time in the house and pictures of the new house. I must say, I did not expect the house to look very good based on the descriptions from last night, but after seeing the pictures and videos that were released, I really think this is one of the best Big Brother houses ever.

Here are a few pictures, courtesy of






Living Room







Red/Purple Room


Pool Room





Diary Room



Head of Household Room




You can view videos of Media Day here, it is in three parts:

So what do you think? Personally, I think besides the spa room this house is great! I absolutely love the Pool Room and think it's going to be hilarious watching people have to sleep in there on those plastic rafts with no blankets. The Diary Room, Bathroom and Head of Household Room are also among my favorite rooms in the new house. The Red/Purple Room is nice as well, probably a great place to sleep. Of course, there is still at least one bedroom that is locked off and we probably won't get to see it until the official house tour or the premiere next Thursday. Overall, I am feeling optimistic after today. More information should be coming in later tonight and tomorrow. I'll keep you posted.

Please share your thoughts and comments!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

More news!

Thanks for we now know that there will be four groups, presumably of three people each. Of course, expect the unexpected, we could have four former houseguests that will be added in to make a total of sixteen since it was said that the twelve houseguests that 'have not been in the Big Brother house before' will be sequestered today.

The four groups, which are being used as cliques have been unfortunately named:


Personally, I think this is pretty lame. I really hope the houseguests make diverse cliques that incorporate various people and don't stick to their label at all. I am still hoping that despite these groups they will still compete for Head of Household and Power of Veto as individuals and that they'll be permitted to nominate whomever they wish. We'll see though. I'm sure we'll know more about the rules of this twist as details and press releases come out this week. is set to release some information in about an hour. Keep checking for updates! And don't forget to comment!

The Twist

Thanks to CornerOffice and Plumb at, we now have more information about what to expect regarding the twist this season. Here is what he posted:

First up, we have a theme throughout the house this year – called “The Have and The Have-Not’s”. You should be able to get the general idea regarding what that’s about from the name.

Now to much talked about High School theme that has caused various rumors to spread out over the internet. Here is how it will work:

Big Brother has cast people who they believe represent some typical high school stereotypes. However, it will not be Big Brother pairing them up. Once they enter the house, they will be told to form the cliques themselves – Big Brother will not force them together like Big Brother 9. In other words, Big Brother could have cast someone that they see as a Jock but the houseguests could decide that they are a “geek” instead.

Once these cliques are formed, they will play as teams for a while, but they will eventually split off into individuals and play the Big Brother Game by themselves.

What exactly does this mean? Well, I've come up with several different speculative scenarios as to what this all could mean. I personally hope that they will still compete individually for Head of Household and Power of Veto, and will be allowed to nominate anyone they wish to, but that is purely wishful thinking. It is likely that players will not be allowed to nominate people on their teams. However, with this twist likely only lasting a few weeks, it hopefully won't have too great of an impact on the game.

Plumb later confirmed that it was more than just two teams. Thus, we can assume it is either 3 teams of 4 houseguests or 4 teams of 3 houseguests, since the commercials have reiterated that there will be only 12 houseguests this season. RealityBBQ will release more information at some point today, so I will keep you posted. And, tonight after Midnight Eastern time, the block on press information about Media Day and the house will be lifted, and all can be revealed. So, expect big news, as well as possible photos and videos late tonight!

Please share your thoughts on the twist by commenting below.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

We're getting close...

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Dan and I'm a huge Big Brother fanatic. I've toyed about having a blog for Big Brother before and I think this year I finally cracked. My twitter account is danthebbfan and on I'm known as I LUV TIJUANA. Now onto more interesting things... Big Brother.

There's only twelve days left until Big Brother returns to our screen. For quite a few of us, that means our summer will officially begin. I'll be here to bring you updates as stories unfold. Here's the expected schedule of events and my plan of action for these events:

Sunday June 28th- Houseguests Sequestered

-Houseguests will be in sequester tomorrow. Thus, they are "kidnapped", told to pack and given their keys this weekend. This makes it official that information can be released so that the brand new houseguests will not be privy to this information. They will spend about a week in sequester, where interviews and press photos will be performed, which will be released later in the week.

Monday June 29th - House Tour / Twist Reveal / "Media Day" Coverage

-We should expect to see all, or most of the photos and tour of the house on Monday, as that has been set as the date when media outlets can reveal their information. Last Friday, several press people (and Jen Johnson) got the very first look at the Big Brother house. On Monday, they're allowed to talk about it, show pictures and video, so it's very likely that the house tour will be released that day as well. The twist reveal usually comes along with the house, maybe a day after, but I expect it on Monday or Tuesday before the cast reveal.

Wednesday July 1st- Cast Reveal

-According to many sources, we should expect the cast reveal Wednesday. Typically, there's an early release the night before, so I will most definitely be on call waiting for any updates on the cast Tuesday night. Interviews and photos should be out on Wednesday. More interviews will probably be posted throughout the week.

Sunday July 5th- Houseguests Enter the House

-The game begins as the houseguests will enter four days before the show begins. This is typical, as the first few days they need to take press photos, get the houseguests acquainted with the rules and procedures and help them learn what to do so there's no confusion when the live feeds begin streaming.

Thursday July 9th- The Show Begins

-The show kicks off at 8 PM Eastern time, and the feeds begin at Midnight Eastern time, as per usual. From this point on, the summer is on! Live feed updates from me will be constantly posted here, at Fantasy Games Central, Survivor Sucks, Twitter, and so forth. With the new live feed features, I won't miss a thing, and neither will you if you choose to purchase them. Trust me, it's worth it.

I look forward to a great season of Big Brother, and I hope there are people out there who are as insane about their Big Brother love as I am. Please comment, because feedback is always nice.